Sunday, 30 September 2012



Trolls - No not those weird funny little things with the bright pink hair and shove a pencil in their bottoms - I am talking about internet trolls which seem to have picked Twitter as a main base camp.

Most recently it's the turn of X-Factor contestant "Rylan", now everyone is entitled to their own opinions and views and if you don't like him then just express that in a normal tweet however people can't seem to keep it simple and polite. Having read the articles on the abuse he has suffered I am sickened to think people could stoop to this mentality. Tweets include "I'm going to bottle you" "I'm going to slice your face in two" "you sick tanned faggot" - I won't go on. It baffles me that people still think this is an acceptable view or opinion.  It's vicious, cruel and beyond immature and also referring to him as a "creature" or "thing" is just as bad and if I follow you and see you writing something like that then I shall unfollow! Simple!

Of course Rylan isn't the first or last victim of Twitter trolling....

Helen Skelton - The bubbly friendly Blue Peter presenter found herself the victim of Twitter abuse  after presenting Olympics coverage - apparently the Twitter trolls think the "blonde bimbo" should stick to kid's TV. This is the bimbo who has raised hundreds of thousands of pounds for SPORT relief and has trekked across the poles! Yeah...she's a real bimbo! IDIOTS!!

Coleen Rooney - The wife of Wayne Rooney found herself getting vile death threats because.....she re-tweeted a status and congratulated Liverpool on winning and "betraying" her husband. Threats include "Used to like you, now going to burn you" and "I hope you are run over on the way to the shops!" Really? What planet are these twats on? LOSERS!!

Selena Gomez - The young innocent girlfriend of Justin Bieber. Her crime? Just Justin. Apparently she is a "dirty skank" "a horrible evil bitch" How about these over excited brats get a grip? WEIRDOS 

Dom Joly - The cheeky larger than life comedian was one of Twitters victims in the most sickest way...a troll who has since been jailed for 18 weeks set up a Twitter account - @deathtojolykids - constantly tweeting about his children and asking his followers - who would follow him? if Dom's children looked like they have cancer or downs syndrome and even worse...."Hey Dom, have your fucking retards of kids died of cancer yet?" Words fail me on how evil this is. This is not opinion this is pure malice and twisted sick behaviour.

Twitter trolls are nasty, evil and in desperate need of help or locking up - whatever is easier! 

Sod off and trip trap back under your bridges!

Until the next spice ;-)

Danny @dannymorgan86 

Reality Bites!

Reality Bites.

Reality shows - They have become a standard part of the TV schedule but recently there seems to be a flood of "reality" shows that have surfaced particularly on ITV2!

Firstly can I say I am a fan of some of the reality offerings such as "I'm a celebrity...get me out of here" and "Strictly Come Dancing" but do feel this once "niche" TV category has been swamped in the offerings we have....

We all loved the idea of Big Brother when it launched and for the first 2 series, the viewers lapped it up with a spoon and it received positive reviews - however now having  finished it's series for this year as well as two "celebrity" shows - Big Brother seems to be the main show that receives the most harshest of criticisms - the celebrity editions in particular are a very dangerous move for the celebrity - it can result in public meltdowns like Denise Welch and Vanessa Feltz and who can forget the pussy antics of George Galloway - although I have a sneaky suspicion that is a standard Friday night for him and his party.

"I'm a celebrity get me out of here" - This show still receives good ratings and is generally enjoyed and praised by the public however the celebrities who go on and scream like a banshee at every bug and grub gets on everyone's tits - if your honestly going on to "face your fears" - then do that...FACE them - not scream, wet your pants and cry like a toddler who's lost their ice-cream or faint like Gillian "I love to poke around in your shit" Mckeith did. 

"Strictly Come Dancing" - Probably one of the most popular shows in it's category - although this is usually perceived as the show that "yummy mummies" and the "slipper and cocoa" brigade watch. This show is getting relatively predictable in regards to the contestant choices - usually is made up of a ex-boy band member, a couple of soap stars, a couple of rugby or football players and an older generation celebrity.

If the reality shows stopped here then I think we'd appreciate them a lot more and they would receive higher praise however this is all thrown into chaos when shows such as the following are launched:
  • The Only Way Is Essex - Made up of shallow stupid oompa loompas 
  • Made in Chelsea - Made up of shallow stupid "mummy and daddy boys and girls"
  • Peter Andre's Bad Boyfriend Club - Made up of stupid cavemen
  • Stacey's Solomon's Top Dog Model - No comment on this ridiculous format
  • Girlfri3nds - Yep that is the correct spelling - stupid name for stupid show

I could go on but frankly wouldn't want to give any other shows dumber than that the coverage they want and strangely apart from Made in Chelsea - the other shows on the above list are courtesy of ITV 2 which no doubt will be renamed "ITV Reality" soon. 

Sorry but from that list above...reality...bites!!

Until the next spice ;-)

Danny @dannymorgan86   

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Room Service - What do you require?

Room Service - What do you require?

Room service - An integral part of any hotel stay. Many people see it as a luxury service and use it to order ice cream at 3am however room service can also be used to fulfill some of the strangest and wackiest requests.   

For those of you who have tweeted me lots, will know I work in the hotel industry and currently work in a ***** 5 star hotel in London and you probably won't be surprised that I've heard a fair few wackier requests in my time in this sector. Here are some of my top requests.
  • 2 glasses of fresh ferrets urine
  • An "oriental looking" blow up doll and large blow up sheep
  • The whites of 8 eggs 
  • A jar of gherkins and a straw 
  • A call girl who can charge by the minute - not the hour 
  • Dog biscuits  - no dog 
  • A box of sugar cubes and strawberry laces
  • The latest copy of Nuts and a golf ball
I could go on and the list is endless but all of the above are genuine room service calls I've received in my time working in hotels. 

Hotels are wonderful places to work in - you see and hear a manner of things - sadly I can't  blow the lid on some of the more well known celebrities bizarre behaviors in hotels however I can list the do's and don'ts  in hotel etiquette 
  • DO take a complimentary breakfast if offered - and go at the time offered - don't take advantage and use it as a free breakfast pass
  • DO take advantage of the free wi-fi but DON'T use it as a clever way to run scams, run up huge bills - the hotels are onto such scams and have ways to seek revenge.
  • DO ask if staff have checked the appliances such as kettles and irons - many international hotels DON'T and have had guests discover urine in the kettle and seamen in the iron! 
  • DO use the safe box for valuables - many a diamond watch has gone missing 
  • DO tip according to star rating - general rule of thumb is £5 a day for 3 star, £10 for 4 stars and £20-30 per day for 5 star  - remember the more you look after the staff, the more they look after you.
  • DO take advantage of hidden policies such as claiming a free nights lodging if you get stuck in an elevator for longer than 3 minutes - this does NOT apply to all hotels though

  • DON'T shout, yell or swear at the staff - They can make your stay very unpleasant - in a subtle way.
  • DON'T tell anyone your room number - this is purely for your safety.
  • DON'T be offended if hotel staff check the identity of your guests - hotel staff are required to keep a tab of who comes in and out of hotel and the number of unlicensed escorts entering the hotel and NEVER let a member of staff in without asking for proper identification - Name badge - not key card as these can easily be stolen 
  • DON'T accuse staff of stealing your items - these usually turn up however you have the right to demand the manager rings and reports it to the police.
  • DON'T use hotel towels to wipe make up off, remove dirt and stains - the hotel then has the right to charge you for towel replacements 
  • DON'T use the bins in the hotel to dispose of delicate items like needles etc
  • DON'T be embarrassed to ring up the next day if you've left an item behind - we're very discreet and have sent on many dildo's, vibrators and whips to their homes
I hope you find this little snippet of hotel hum-drum a good read

Until the next spice ;-)

Danny @dannymorgan86

Friday, 28 September 2012

Supermarket Sweep!

Supermarket Sweep

No sadly I am not going to blog about the infamous "supermarket dash" hit show although I think it's time they unfreeze Dale Winton, dust off his jacket and splash a bit of tango orange tan back on him and revive this wonderfully cheesy and camp show! 

I was asked to blog about something that happened in my day today and since the highlight of my day has been a trip to Sainsburys - It will have to be this. 

Of course, one is faced with a dilemma upon entering the supermarket and that is, what to use as a holder for your goods - Do you bypass them off if your only going for a few items and risk looking like a shop lifter, do you plump for the basket which as soon as it appears to have anything heavier in than a bag of flour starts to buckle under the pressure and your constantly swapping it into the other hand to give the current hand a rest. Do you go for the mini trolleys they now have and underestimate how much shopping fills up and end up re-arranging items similar to an I-phone app I have on my phone or finally do you choose the beast - the normal sized trolley which no matter which one you seem to pick, it is always the one with the "mind of it's own" and goes left when you steer right or the one with the stiff wheels. Well as a martyr to the cause I plumped for the beast of the trolleys and set off on my journey starting in the fruit and vegetable aisle. 

The fruit and vegetable aisle - A maze of bananas, apples, melons, lemons and some slightly more obscure ones such as "ugli fruit" - seems a little harsh to discriminate and "star fruit" - again seems a little harsh to promote this fruit in an elitist way, anyway I simply needed a bag of apples and a bag of oranges - the oranges were simple enough and scooped up a bag of extra large oranges (well you only live once don't you) before coming to the apple section...well "Granny Smiths, Golden Delicious, Cox's - I felt a little one of my depth with these apple choices and after a long deliberation (approx 27 seconds) I chose a bag of Granny Smiths and scooted off to the next aisle on my list..tinned goods! 

Tinned goods - A very organized and  EMPTY (no other shoppers) aisle. Parked at the front of the aisle and with no shoppers in my sight - a little invisible devil appeared on my shoulder "Go on Danny....jump on the bar and race your trolley to the end...go on...." I'm not one for peer pressure especially from an invisible devil but soon found myself whizzing past tins of "Dora Spaghetti Shapes and Heinz baked beans", as I came to the end of the aisle I had to apply the emergency brakes to avoid crashing into a elderly lady who had appeared from the side aisle - I bashfully explained my trolley had "locked" and I was very sorry - she was very kind and let me quickly escape into the next aisle without further embarrassment - next aisle on my list was household

Household goods - Now when I say household I mean mundane products like washing up sponges,  J-clothes, bleach, washing up liquid. This was an aisle of different scents - although strangely not coming from the cleaning products but possibly from a tramp living behind the Persil non bio - bio irritates his skin, anyway I digress once again..I spent a good while in this aisle (approx 4 minutes 37 seconds) because I'm so particular with these not the type, size or even brand...of course I am talking about colour - yes I'm one of those annoying people that buy things purely because it's a nice colour. I ended up coming away with a bright pink washing up liquid!  Time to checkout! 

Checkout - Now of course I visited other aisles and other aisles are available in your local supermarket and I'm not advocating these particular aisles. (That's that non biased disclaimer out the way). The checkout always poses a dilemma in it's self, obviously the self-checkout was out of the running due to me having a trolley full but then your faced with eyeing up all the tills and checkouts - carefully checking how many products the person in front of you has and also whether it is a senior citizen, a school run mum or a single man buying his meal for ones for the week ahead, you must also factor in the checkout operative too - is it a fast efficient and friendly older lady, a speedy but emotionless and often grunting young lad or our worst nightmare - a bumbling older gentleman who's found a job to bump his pension up who we all respect but who we all don't want beeping our food through! I eventually plumped (third time I've used plumped) for a semi busy but relatively speedy checkout. The lady in front of me had 6 bottles of wine, 4 tins of Sheba cat food and various ready meals (bit of pointless information for you) along with other things of course, it sped along quite easily and without drama until she was asked "are you collecting the school vouchers" - this prompted her to think about it, ask the cashier what they were in aid of and how many she would get, after hearing she would receive 2 she politely declined saying "oh no, not worth it then" - sorry kids you can't have those new tennis balls you wanted as the lady in the supermarket didn't think it was worth it. It was finally my turn, she beeped the items through commenting every now and again with quotes such as "Oh I do like these" "These are nice in the cherry flavor" and giving my Quorn sticky fillets a rather funny look - she asked am I using my own bags to which I replied "no sorry" which was followed by a very disappointed "tut tut" look which then prompted her to say "oh you'll want some of ours then?" I nearly replied "no dear it's ok I'll balance them on my hands, feet and elbows" ( I didn't and replied "yes please") Finally it was time to pay, I handed over my nectar card and was told I had £8.80 on their to redeem which of course I promptly said "yes" too. I paid for my goods, loaded the last few bits in the beast (trolley) and scooted off to the car park which is where my drama came to an end (eventually)

Car Park - I calmly and carefully trundled around the car park looking for my car...after several minutes and a few incidents of going up to the wrong car - fear was starting to set in - not because I'd lost my car but because I didn't want my sticky fillets to defrost!  I eventually found the car (i'd passed it twice) and loaded up the boot. I drove home and unpacked - which I'm happy to say was without incident!

Until the next spice ;-)

Danny  @dannymorgan86

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Stereotypes? Shut Up!

Stereotypes? Shut Up!

Stereotypes - We all know them, create them and fit into them, but are stereotypes actually harmful? 

As mentioned above, we all get pushed and squashed into these uncomfortable and tight (sorry I'm talking about skinny jeans) categories...

I thought I'd list a few stereotypes and highlight a few key points that you should have or do in order to get a place in this stereotype.

Heterosexual Male aged 18-40

To gain access into this stereotype you must also:
  • Love and follow a football team - popping off to the pub on a Sunday to "watch the game"
  • Enjoy eyeing up the pretty ladies - usually young enough to be your daughters friend
  • Be a DIY expert and regular handyman
  • Expect your son to like sport and your daughter to stay a virgin until she is at least 40
  • Never change nappies - "That's a women's job"
  • Have a rugged and manly job like builder or carpenter

Heterosexual Female aged 18-40
  • Adore shopping, shoes and sunbeds
  • Don't follow world news, politics or anything too "complicated" 
  • Have a nice "easy" job like a housewife, hairdresser or beauty therapist  
  • Colour co-ordinate your outfit - Not forgetting to match your shoes to your bag
  • Do lunch with the girls once a week
  • Have dinner on the table for your man when he gets home 

Homosexual Male aged 18-40
  • Love Britney and Gaga
  • Watch and enjoy Glee
  • Have a fluffy pampered cat or a toy dog breed.
  • Love Starbucks 
  • Instagram every photo and moment 
  • Pose for Twitter and Facebook photos 
  • Work in Insurance, a bank or a clothes shop 

Homosexual Female aged 18-40
  • Enjoy Patsy Cline or similar soft country folk singers
  • Have various piercings or tattoos
  • Be either the "butch" or "girly" one in the relationship
  • Enjoy football and beer
  • Dress in jeans, jackets and headbands

Teenager Male aged 13-17
  • Love Selena Gomez
  • Want to hump everything in sight
  • Flick through your mum's clothes catalogues (underwear section) 
  • Brag to your mates about how many times you have got laid
  • Be grumpy, miserable and suicidal 

Teenager Female aged 13-17
  • Love Justin Bieber or One Direction
  • Adore lip gloss and pink
  • Get pregnant at 14 
  • Join a girl gang
  • Be stroppy, demanding and a general diva

O.A.P Male and Female aged 60+
  • Enjoy knitting
  • Have a blue rinse or perm
  • Live in cardigans and a nice bungalow
  • Watch Antiques roadshow
  • Complain about the youth of today
  • Techophobic

See we all fit in to a stereotype somewhere and I hope you can see how silly and judgmental they really can be. I myself am a Homosexual male aged 18-40 yet I don't like Gaga or Britney, I have a staffy dog not a handbag dog, I've never used Instagram or posed for Twitter. 

Where do you fit into? 

Until the next spice ;-)

Danny @dannymorgan86

"Justin Desserts"

"Justin Desserts"

Now sadly I won’t be blogging a yummy recipe and calling it “Justin” - This blog piece is of course about the disturbing “allegations” surrounding TV “star” Justin Lee Collins and his girlfriend (ex) Anna Larke. 
I first came upon this story whilst browsing the entertainment headlines - not sure “alleged” domestic abuse is entertainment news but let’s not digress. Collins is in court after numerous reports from Larke that their 9 month relationship was a swarm of physical, mental and sexual abuse. Now before I blog any further I would just like to write this disclaimer “All further points in this blog piece are personal opinion, quotes taken from news articles and alleged rumors” So back to this slug of a man who frankly looks like he needs a good sponge bath and a very close shave.
Larke claims Collins subjected her to a barrage of abuse and extreme controlling measure during their relationship including forcing her to throw out her entire DVD collection (I’ve never cared for Mama Mia either) because he was jealous of the leading male stars - maybe Collins just has “small penis syndrome” - similar to “small man syndrome” but the sufferer overcompensates for his small penis with big gestures and then again maybe he is just the hairy whiskery overgrown slug he appears to be.
The allegations continue with Larke claiming Collins made her write down EVERY sexual encounter, experience and activity she has done with previous boyfriends (I’d go through 10 Pukka Pads if that were me) anyway I digress again, rumors of him beating her and her cat have recently surfaced - jealous of another pussy perhaps? 
I personally wouldn’t be surprised if this foul creature - Collins not Larke is guilty of these crimes and personally I’d feel even if they aren’t true…our TV screens would be a much better place without the gutter “comedy” this bearded slug appears to spout. 
What’s your opinions and thoughts? Tweet me @dannymorgan86
Until another spice….
Danny :)